Bits and Pieces

Today we signed Josh up for the Newport Marathon.  So he's committed - since it's non-refundable.

He's been running 12 miles a week for the past few weeks, and he's going to start ramping it up over the next 12 weeks, before pulling back a bit to prevent injuries.  Since his runs are going to start getting longer, we've had to start calendaring them in.  Saturdays don't always work for a 3 hour run. 

Last night he told his brother he's "starting to enjoy it".   He's been super dedicated - waking up at 5am and everything!!!  I'm just really proud of my husband for setting such a big goal and working so hard to accomplish it.

Our learning period for school is only two weeks long this week because of our upcoming trip.  The kids and I have been trying to pack in a bunch of stuff.  Kari is here visiting, too, which has been especially fun for Logan.  She is a willing participant in any game he wants to play!!

I read a super cute book to the kids last week called "Boy+Bot".  Highly recommend it!  We also are doing a unit on poetry, as I think I mentioned.  One of the books we checked out was called "Mirror, Mirror" and it is so incredibly fun with beautiful artwork.  The poems are written forwards and backwards.  As an example from the amazon description, the five opening lines of the Goldilocks reverso read:
“Asleep in cub’s bed
startled by
the headline read.” 
Running down the page side-by-side with this poem is a second, which ends with:
“Next day
the headline read:
Bears startled
by blonde
asleep in cub’s bed.” 

So clever, right?  All the poems are based on fairytales and I've enjoyed reading them to the kids.

I'm frantically working on preparing a lesson for YW.  We also have New Beginnings this week, so there is MUCH going on in that department.  I am LOVING the new Youth Curriculum for the Church.  Loving.  It takes more personal preparation to really make it successful, but it is so much more enjoyable and meaningful.  I taught a lesson about the Atonement recently and it was incredible in so many ways.  We watched one of my all time favorite church videos:  He Lives   Watch it! 



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