Arriba! Arriba!

We're Baaaaaack!

Mexico was pretty much awesome.  I was hoping Josh would just fly the kids down and we could live there forever, but he seemed to think a steady income was a necessity, so we came home.
And while my first foray to Mexico was very cool, the best thing about time with my husband, though, is the chance for lots of TALKING!  Doesn't matter where we go, that is always the best thing about the trip.   We met some great people from around the country (since this was a Jones trip, fraternizing with the other Jones people is always encouraged).  It's fun to hear about where they live and places that they've visited.

My kids have been talking about their super fun visits with family and friends.  It was good to see everyone.  I loved our family Valentine's dinner!  Nothing says love more than pizza and family.   ;-)

I haven't done a full-blown family update in quite awhile.  Coming off of a vacation, there's not much to report, but there have been some thoughts floating around in my head.

I read Salman Khan's book (creator of while we were in Mexico.  Talk about fantastic.  It was inspiring and motivating and got me excited about doing math with my kiddos.  Of all the things he talked about (and there were really too many interesting talking points for me to bring up here), one thing that caught my attention is the idea of choosing a career.  Sal makes the point that 20 years ago when I was in high school and supposed to be choosing a career path, the options did not include many of the careers that are prevalent today.  I mean the internet was barely in existence - who knew that website design and all that stuff would be coming down the road.  Children don't need to choose their career path - they need to prepare their brains for whatever comes around.  Learn the skills and learn to be a creative problem solver, because there are careers we can't even imagine that will be commonplace when our children are adults.

I also read Brandon Sanderson's book "Warbreaker".  Two thumbs up.  If you haven't read any of Brandon Sanderson's books, I highly recommend them!

The first semester of school officially ended last month.  Hannah managed an excellent GPA - including A's in both of her math classes.  Brynne doesn't get official grades - but I'm happy to report that she is doing really great work.  Logan has been loving a new art program via Time4Learning - a web-based curriculum that we signed up for to get us through some craziness.  He was eager to tell me about primary, secondary, and tertiary colors.  ;-)  We're about done with Time4Learning, but I'm going to have him finish up the art class, first, since he's loving it so much.

I started doing prep work for next year's curriculum.  BUT then I realized that before that, I need to think about summer.  Actually, I need to think about spring first.  I just love planning so dang much, that I get excited.  Like how I start planning my vacations years in advance.  It's not just the thought of a vacation that excites me - it's the entire process of researching everything out.  Nerd.

It's time to get back into the daily routine - which I am actually looking forward to.  I have some research projects up my sleeve (always a pleasant way to pass my free time), not to mention plans for school, and YW lessons to prepare.  Life is good!  

Our first morning - not used to seeing the sun over the ocean at that time of day.  It's rising, not setting!

The ward building @ playa del carmen

Relaxing by the pool

Iguanas at Tulum

the Mayan ruins at Tulum, which over look the beautiful Carribbean Sea.


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