

Towards the beginning of May as I started planning ahead in my life, I realized that I was going to have 6 very full weeks that would culminate at the end of June.  It was incredibly busy but also incredibly good.  I don't have a lot of photos from the month of June because, well, we were doing things.  But I have wonderful memories.

Kenna joined a real-deal golf team for June/July.  She has LOVED it.  She's doing that in addition to the summer junior golf that the three girls always do.  We have found a sport that she enjoys and it's so fun to see her happiness. 

Faith is doing her second year of junior golf, this time with a friend in her group and it's the best day of the week for her.

I posted about graduation last time, but that was technically in June as well.  We went to Red Robin for dinner and - covid restrictions were such that we couldn't have more than 6 people at a time.  And we have 7 people in our family so we had to sit and two separate tables.  How silly is that?!  But we all enjoyed a celebratory meal anyway and it was fun to get out and feel normal again after so many months of not-normal.

Shannon and Bryan and clan swung by on their annual Shasta trip.  We always have such a good time visiting with them.  I'm glad they do that because it's a guaranteed visit every year!

Josh's cousin Chris brought his family to visit the very next day.  We have not spent any time with them so it was nice to finally meet Tally and get to talk and meet her kids.  They are a sweet family and I'm happy for Chris to have the family he waited for so long to have.

A friend of mine hosts a kids' triathlon every year.  It was Faith's first year participating.  Everyone did super well and worked hard to the end.  But they all decided they need to get in better shape for next year!

Kenna decided to have bangs cut for a new adventure.  I think she looks cute!

One of the highlights of June was going to the Temple with Logan.  Our Oregon family was able to come down to join us, which felt so special to have them attend.  And what a treat to be in the temple after so LONG!!!

The day after our Temple experience Logan gave his farewell talk.  He was set apart as a missionary on July 7th and began Home MTC on July 8th.

His setting apart blessing was beautiful.  Brynne had learned that you can record those, but I was using my phone to FaceTime Hannah and Keaton in, and unfortunately no one else thought to record it.  But Logan and I worked together to write down as much as we could remember.  And of course, the blessings remain.  He was blessed with the gift of tongues and promised that if he put in the effort he would be able to speak like a native.   home MTC has been really good so far.  It's strange to text your friends one day, and then wake up in your bedroom but all the rules have changed overnight.  He's doing so good keeping the rules and being obedient though.  He gets up at 4:30 to exercise and do his personal study before classes start at 7am (because he's on Columbian time).  It's still up in the air if he'll actually go to Columbia, but honestly the important thing is the acceptance of the call to serve.  The location assignment is purely logistical.


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