March Madness

It's been a whirlwind of living around here.  We had a wonderful vacation to Disneyland in February. We came home so exhausted but it was so fun.  Some friends from Utah met us there and we just really enjoyed gorgeous weather and fun activities.   We finally got to the San Diego Temple to check it out and spent some time at the Mormon Battalion Historical Site - found Josh's ancestor on the soldier roster.  Pretty awesome for the kids.   We've spent a lot of our time on the weekends catching up on delayed home improvement projects and running around from place to place.  I'm making bi-monthly trips to Santa Rosa for Javi's counseling appointments, which is a FULL day for me and takes a day out of homeschooling, so we have to make that up on the other days.  We are studying Civil War, plants, and Cinderella stories from various cultures, as well as keeping up with our math, spelling, and reading.  Last month was a sort of lame school month but this month has been much better.

So I'm just going to do a photo dump here and mention little things.

We went shooting with the pellet gun out at some cousins' property.  While the older kids were learning how to load and use the gun properly, the little girls and I went to visit the horses!

Little Nat celebrated her 6th Birthday.  It was kind of sad.  We planned a little swim party with her friends on the ONE day we could get all together.  Then we got to the pool and they had a "code brown" incident.  Lame.  So we've still got to reschedule and then she can have her actual birthday party.  Her dessert below - cherry pie!

San Diego Temple
- so pretty.  Not as big as I'd expected, but still quite lovely.

Mormon Battalion site

Random cute picture of Faith being silly...

Some Disney photos. 

More random pictures.  Apparently the girls took this while we were practicing a musical number.  I always wonder what I look like when I play, so now I know.  Serious!

She's so proud of all the big girl things she can do - like climb onto chairs by herself!!

We take a walk or hike 3-4 times a week.  We're loving exploring this beautiful place we live!

Yes, she'll slide all by herself.  She thinks she can do it all!

Javi got himself a new suit with his clothing budget.  Looking snappy!

Notice the dirt behind her?  That is where our chicken coop used to be.  Yes, we got rid of the chickens.

New fun game - telephone!

 OK - a few more vacation photos that I found.  Sorry things are out of order.  Too lazy to fix it!


  1. Yay! You're back! Back to blogland that is. I thought I was the last one now, forever...
    Looks like you're keeping busy and having fun, just as you should. :-) Why'd you get rid of the chickens?


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