March Madness
Brynne celebrated her 14th Birthday last week! Per her request, Josh and I shared the cost of an iPod touch with her. She was T.H.R.I.L.L.E.D. to say the least. Otherwise, it was a quiet birthday for her. We made lemon cupcakes and took them to school to share. It was a new recipe but turned out pretty tasty, if I do say so myself (see all my lemon-y pins on pinterest for the recipes!) Strawberry Shortcake for her birthday dessert. Love note from Mom and Dad and bouquet of flowers - she loves to have fresh flowers in her room. The GIFT!! On Brynne's birthday, Faith turned 4 months old. She hasn't grown any longer ( I seriously think she did her first six months of growing in two months) and still fits size 3-6 months. She hasn't been my easiest baby, but life is slowly getting more manageable with her. Good thing she's so cute! Growing 4 month old playing with her sisters! Hannah leaves for Nicaragua in ONE WE...