
Showing posts from August, 2020

School prep 2020

 Two weeks ago a bunch of moms in my area got together to talk about the upcoming school year and what we each were planning.  COVID has made life a challenge for many and the idea was to exchange ideas, see if we wanted to do anything together, and just generally provide some moral support.  I was one of two veteran homeschoolers in attendance.  As I listened to the various plans - some people had really firm ideas of curricula they were using or which school program they were signing up for, others were totally adrift.  I began to get anxious about MY curriculum choices for MY children.  I began worrying about my writing program for Kenna and Natalie.  I really got concerned.  I started looking up a really renowned  homeschooling writing curriculum and thinking about buying it. But something wonderful happened a few days later.  I was out on a walk with one of those moms and some sort of question she asked prompted me to reflect and ve...

July 2020

 It's almost the end of summer and I've really got to keep updated here.  The kids have been growing by leaps and bounds. Maybe a mid-year update is called for. FAITH - she did Junior Golf this year for the first year ever and she did pretty dang good.  I honestly think we have a potential golfer on our hands.  When we golf as a family she gets tired and bored quickly, but her swing is consistent and she loves it until she's done.       She also learned how to ride a two-wheeler this year and she is loving that freedom and grownup-ness.       She is thiiiiiiis close to being  a swimmer.  She's getting stronger.   Looking forward to reaching that milestone next. NATALIE - Natalie is growing up!  She is counting down the months until she can attend mutual (next January).  She's always got her nose in a book and if we can't find her, chances are she's on the porch swing in the backyard reading Percy Jackson or Range...