School prep 2020
Two weeks ago a bunch of moms in my area got together to talk about the upcoming school year and what we each were planning. COVID has made life a challenge for many and the idea was to exchange ideas, see if we wanted to do anything together, and just generally provide some moral support. I was one of two veteran homeschoolers in attendance. As I listened to the various plans - some people had really firm ideas of curricula they were using or which school program they were signing up for, others were totally adrift. I began to get anxious about MY curriculum choices for MY children. I began worrying about my writing program for Kenna and Natalie. I really got concerned. I started looking up a really renowned homeschooling writing curriculum and thinking about buying it. But something wonderful happened a few days later. I was out on a walk with one of those moms and some sort of question she asked prompted me to reflect and ve...