Spiritually Strong Homes and Families - Elder Wirthlin


I found this awesome talk awhile back.  Our family scripture is D&C 88:119 and this talk by Elder Wirthlin is based on that scripture.

However, it is a fantastic few pages of counsel to parents about building a strong family unit and I highly recommend it!  In today's social climate, I firmly believe that we must be purposeful and have firm direction in where we are taking our family.  To that end, I really think that in some ways the idea of having a "house of order" as is mentioned in the scripture is almost the most important principle listed.  Know your goal, and have an orderly, Spirit-led plan for how to reach it.

Not that we're perfect in this by any means!!!

I had to laugh yesterday when Josh was talking about this concept in Sunday School and how we feel that regular family home evening is so important.  I immediately remembered our most recent one - which pretty much didn't happen.  We didn't have opening exercises (which no matter what we end up doing, I think are important for making the kids aware that we are setting aside specific family time to follow this commandment), and we were all busy working on individual projects.  So while we were home together - we didn't really have FHE that night.  :-)  Ah well, some weeks are like that.  Some weeks we have an opening prayer, everyone chooses a favorite church song/hymn to sing, we have a closing prayer, and we move on.

 One of the BEST FHEs that we had recently, though, was after this past General Conference.  Instead of planning a lesson or activity, we asked each child to share a special thought or testimony based upon what they heard at conference.  It was so incredible and the Spirit was super strong as we each bore our testimony of a Gospel Principle.  It was actually a last minute idea when Josh and I realized that no one had a lesson prepared, but I think often the simplest of evenings can be the most profound.


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