41 weeks

I had my appointment today.  No change cervically (since I know you all wanted to know that!).

We discussed the possibility of induction next week.  I have an appointment on Monday to make a final call on that.  The process would involve going to the hospital the day before in the evening, getting cervidil inserted to soften my cervix, and if that didn't throw me into labor, doing the whole pitocin thing the next day.  Which for me also means an epidural, since I wouldn't do pitocin without that for a second time.

HOWEVER - I really, really, REALLY don't want to be induced.  And I honestly don't feel like the baby is ready to come.  However much I wish she was, my mothering instincts (??) or something are screaming at me to just wait and be patient.

I forgot to ask the doctor if he would wait longer than 42 weeks.  I know that wouldn't be standard practice and he might have malpractice insurance issues or something that make him nervous to wait. He seems to think that I will have the baby this week, but I partially wonder if he's just having a hard time imagining a mom on her 6th pregnancy to go 42 weeks.  I mean, that kid should be falling out of me by now, right?  :-)

After leaving the doctor's office and thinking about a possible induction on the way home, I immediately started feeling anxious.  I have had three (maybe 4, if Natalie's counts) inductions and apart from Kenna's miserable one where I had pitocin and no epidural, they were all positive experiences.  So why am I feeling so panicky about the idea now?  Have I watched too many natural birth documentaries or read too many books on the evils of birthing interventions?  I don't know.  What I do know is that every time I start to consider just inducing (which, by the way, the doctor would do for me starting tomorrow, if I requested it), I get a nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach and I back off from considering it.  Have I gone totally granola, or what?  Maybe I should just do my hair in dreads, buy some Birkenstock sandals, and stop bathing while I'm at it.    ;-)

So that's where we stand at this point.  The wait continues.


  1. I was "induced"/helped-to-get-labor-into-full-swing by having my water broken 3 of the 4 times. LOVE doing it that way. I've never had pitocin though. And I don't have any qualms about epidurals. (I see them like other advances in medicine - blessings from God for which I show my gratitude for by accepting ;-) Having said that, you seem to have already learned about yourself that you should listen to your instincts that warn you when something doesn't seem right. If baby girl is small and your body isn't "warming up" yet, that's probably a good sign as well that baby's not fully cooked yet. :-)

  2. You have to be dilated and effaced a certain amount in order for them to break your water...which I am not. Did that with Brynne and it was the best and fastest birth of the five.


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