
I think I posted this photo on Facebook....can't wait until my girls are home and I can hear all about EFY!!!   I have missed them but know they are having a blast.

My little girl loves her baths!  She's turned into a monster crawler, and this week learned to pull herself up to a standing position, so baby-proofing just went to the next level.  She loves to play with her siblings.  She follows them around while they enact their pretend plays and chews on things while she watches whatever they are doing.  She is darling and we love every second with this girl!

Four days after scout camp, the scouts had the unique opportunity to earn their archeology merit badge.  They were able to participate in a real 'dig' a couple hours south and be taught by an archeologist about what they were looking for.  They found some Indian arrowheads and Logan was able to bring home some obsidian souvenirs.   Boys love dirt!

Hannah has been begging to learn guitar but we've loaned ours out temporarily.  Her friend A. taught her a simple song last weekend and she couldn't wait to make a video and show it to me.  I think she's going to try to take guitar for her elective this year.

I've been cleaning my house like crazy this week.  Apparently fleas are really bad on the coast because of our drought and our cat has brought them in the house.  Bleck.  Only two people have been bothered much, but Logan is apparently allergic to flea bites - they have caused him get a rash and small BLISTERS (we just got back from the doctor!).  So I'm working hard to rid our house of any pests and keeping the cat OUT.  She's on medication, but I'm not taking any chances.  

This week I canned my first real jam.  YUM!  I bought Pomona's Pectin, which is a true low-sugar kind.  Normal jam is 50-80% sugar.  With Pomona's I only put in about 1 cup of sugar for 8 cups of fruit, and I could have gotten away with less, or used a sugar substitute.  It tastes nice and fruity.  So now we have lots of healthy-ish peach and nectarine jam to use this winter.  I am also freezing some fruit puree to use later in popsicles/smoothies.  And we've been eating fruit and tomatoes like CRAZY.  I just love the fresh summer produce!


  1. miss you guys but ill see you in a few days with lots of stories and hopefuly pictures too! love you all sounds like youve kept busy!! =)


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