Projects and Prophets

After finishing the book "Little House in the Big Woods", the girls were inspire to do their own quilt projects just like Laura Ingalls.  They were so diligent!  They each chose two fabric pieces and sewed them together to make a "patchwork quilt" for their stuffed animals.  Below is Natalie's quilt made especially for pillow-pet.

 Kenna asked me to hold her quilt while she took a picture.  She really got into the whole sewing thing.

 Painting in progress.  Working on the final project - the dresser.  Now their room is basically put together.  I'd like new curtains and some accessories, but the bulk of the project is finished.  I would take a picture of the finished product, but every time I think about it, I am upstairs and the camera is downstairs - and, well, you know how that goes.

Finishing one room meant that Hannah and Brynne could work on their room!  That was an ordeal.  Their ceiling needed to be painted as well as the walls.  You can see the contrast in paint color here.  What looked white before looked tan once the true white was on.  They now have bunk beds in their room, and are ALMOST done.  They want to do an accent wall and dye their curtains to match their bedspreads, but that hasn't gotten done yet.

 So cute.  Enjoying her bubbles.

Soccer Season!  This is Brynne's last year playing recreation league.  We have seen noticeable improvement in her level of aggressiveness and willingness to take the ball to the goal.  She's earned herself several milkshakes already this season!

This weekend was conference weekend!  It always coincides with soccer picture day, which means Saturday is way more crazy than I would like.  So we kept Saturday simple, but made Sunday much more special.  Brynne made cinnamon rolls for breakfast, to which we added fried eggs (from our chickens!) and green smoothies.  Below are the kids enjoying their breakfast while starting on their conference bingo games.

The little bit of leftover cinnamon roll.  They were divine!

For lunch, we decided to do snacky foods that we never get a chance to make.  It was so yummy!  I wanted to get a before picture of all our tasty food, but you'll have to content yourselves with some of the leftovers!  Not pictured:  Thai Sweet-Chili sauce over cream cheese, and Buffalo Chicken Dip.
7-layer dip

Sliced fruit with strawberry-lemon dip

One of the highlights of conference for us this year was our General Conference wall.  As we listened to the talks, the kids were encouraged to share quotes and pictures from the talks that they heard.   It was really fun to see what struck them as they were listening.

We are down to about 5 weeks left until this baby comes.  Maybe less.  Crazy.  I am SO not ready.  We still need a carseat!  Can't bring her home without that.  And a name.  She needs a name at some point.  There's a 3% chance the she could be a he, so I do have a back-up boy name.  Just in case.


  1. Fun weekend, and so busy! The carseat comment reminded me that I want to hang on to mine still - comes in handy for naps at church. (For Kieran, not me ;-) So I'm afraid you'll have to get your own.


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