Missing Camera

I'm a little annoyed and WORRIED that I haven't found the camera after our trip.  What's strange is I have the battery charger...so the camera must be somewhere as they were packed together for the entire trip.  I've got to find it before the baby comes, for sure, but I also wanted to share some photos from our trip.

So here's the baby update:

I'm not dilated or effaced at all.  Not even a smidgen.  So unusual for me.  Usually I'm like 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced with a month left to go.  We'll see what this means, but I hope it's not a bad sign!

I feel fantastic.  Oddly enough, better than I've felt in months.  Partially I think it's the increased iron supplements - that is really helping my energy level.  But my body feels better too.

I've gained less weight with this baby than ANY of my other ones.  Woot!  Woot!  for me, right?  I have a few secret methods that seemed to pay off for me this time.
*Start at a higher weight - I think it makes your body happy.  ;-)
*Get the flu for three weeks immediately after getting over your morning sickness - no way you'll gain back those three months of lost calories.
*Get exercise - a 30-45 minute walk twice a week was super helpful.  I had a friend drag me out of the house and I think it was a huge game-changer.  I'm not actually even walking anymore but I've hardly gained any more weight.
*Have massive acid reflux issues to the point that you cannot eat ANYTHING after dinner.  I probably saved myself 10lbs just by cutting out desserts and after dinner snacks.

I have been doing all sorts of last minute jobs.  The only thing I have left to do is my official bag packing.  But I have a list so even if I never get to it, Josh can pull it together in 10 minutes.  Plus, some of that stuff I use daily, so it just has to be shoved in last minute anyway.  But, baby's bed is ready.  Diapers are purchased.  Breast pump is on it's way.  Bottles sterilized.  Clothing sorted and put in drawers.  Children's schedules organized and posted.

Things I wish I could get to:  organize my garage.  It is driving me crazy but physically it's a little too much of a project for me right now.  I also wouldn't mind making some extra meals but it has been hard to cook for the past two months.  I hardly do it for the meals we need anymore.


We had two weeks of winter and now we are back to our normal gorgeous fall weather.  It's nice to see the sun again.  Makes me happy!

Kids are doing fantastic.  I gave Nat a bit of a butchered haircut.  She twirls her hair and was twirling it all off on one side of her face, so I tried to make it short enough that she wouldn't be able to do that (I kept finding chunks of hair by her bed - ouch!).  Anyway, it turned out a little funny looking, I thought.  Definitely could use some professional help.  But luckily, she LOVES it.  She declares it makes her look like her cousin Sunshine (Miss P), which I think means it looks like a straggly two year old's haircut. ;-)  (just so Miss P doesn't take offense, I think her hair is darling - but she is three now and it has grown out).
Nat also has a plantar wart that was getting infected so we are on an antibiotic regimen and working to get that wart to go away.  Grrrrr.

Logan is gearing up for his first Lego Robotics competition in November.  The program is a bit similar to the Odyssey of the Mind program that my older girls did, but involves legos, computers, and a tiny bit of programming.  Awesome, right?

My big girls are doing awesome.  Hannah wants to start driver's ed but I think it will have to wait until after Christmas and we have gotten over the initial baby newness phase.

Well, that is my little update for the week.  Good news, I ran out and found the camera in the glove box....so there's hope that I'll put photos on the blog soon.  OH!  Wait!  I do have photos to put on.  I should share the ones that Dad took.

Hannah hates both of hers.  You can tell me which one you prefer.  She thinks her face is "smashed".  ;-)

Bonus pictures:


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