New Beginnings

Seeing as how it's the new year, it seems an appropriate time to have a fresh start.  Welcome to the newest Richardson family blog.

It's crazy to me that I ran out of space on the old blog.  I've learned, though, and I shouldn't have problems here.  For one thing, I need to re-size my photos before I put them on.  If I do that, I should never have a space issue.  After pondering life, it just seemed easier to start a new blog.  Sorry if that's worked out to be inconvenient.

So!  On to the latest news!

We had a pretty nice Christmas.  A couple of the kids were sick, so it was very quiet and tame, but I found that to be somewhat relaxing after the craziness of the rest of December.  We were able to communicate via Skype and Google+ Hangout with extended family members.  That's always a lot of fun.  A couple days after Christmas, we went over the hill to play with Josh's parents for a couple days.  Josh and I spent an enjoyable evening with our good friends the Jordans, too.

For New Years, our Bishop went all crazy and rented Legacy Lodge at Camp Liahona.  It was super fun - even though it was only our two families and two other adults from the ward.   Our kids all get along great.  The lodge has heating and a huge fireplace, but is still pretty drafty.  Josh and I opted to sleep downstairs in front of the fire with the little girls and that wasn't too bad.  We pulled the futon mattress out onto the rug and we were toasty warm!

We are finishing up our week off of school.  I was tempted to get homeschooling going early, but Logan has gotten sick, and it occurred to me that we all just kind of needed a solid break.  No need to rush back into school.  Croup has been making it's way around the family.  Logan, of course, gets it the worse.  He can hardly breathe at times, and his inhaler has only been moderately helpful.  He's starting to get better today, finally.

Last night I did "interviews" with the kids.  Well, the older three kids were just given a questionnaire to fill out which they can do on their own.  I interviewed Kenna and Natalie, though, and the answers I got were SO funny.  They're probably funnier if you can sit and listen to their tone of voice as they talk.  Some of my favorites were:
*When Kenna grows up she wants to be "a stranger".
*Kenna said she really looks up to Matthew (a 7 year old in our ward).  After she said this, she started giggling and said, "I picked a really handsome guy".  Great.....
*Kenna said the best thing about her is that she can do push-ups.  
*Kenna's favorite color is "green, yellow, red, and blue.  And orange.  And white."
*Kenna's favorite memory is "riding in a tiny car at the zoo".  We think she means going to Oak Bottom Amusement park with her grandparents.
*Natalie wants to be a tiger when she grows up.
*Natalie's favorite memory is riding on a pig (????)
*Natalie says the best thing about her is that "we can squish my cheeks".
*Natalie said she really looks up to Kenna.  (how cute is that?!!)

I printed off the interview pages from All For The Boys blog.  They'll go in the kids annual folders (I keep a folder for each year with their best schoolwork, essays, art, etc).

In the beginning of the new year we'll be:
**exercising - Brynne and I are doing a half-marathon walking program.  I need to get ready for the Pioneer trek in June!
**reading poetry for our 10 week unit on poetry!
**making science fun!  I'm amping up Brynne's science program, which so far has been miserable for both of us.  I've got fun books and movies, and am working on experiments to help it all come together.
**starting our family history project for 2013.  I'm still pulling it together, but I've found some great resources and I'm really excited about it.  (Note: I read a great book by Linda Eyre wherein she suggested having a family "major" and "minor" every year - I like the idea of a theme, so we're giving it a shot!  It's not something we'll be working on every day.  More like 1-2 family home evenings a month.  I'm in the process of collecting my resources and calendaring it all out)

Happy New Year!


  1. If you look at my pinterest, If found all 100 episodes of Bill Nye the Science Guy. That might be fun to throw into the mix for Brynne. I loved watching those!


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