January 12-23

 My favorite thing to do is take pictures of my kids when we spend some time at the Botanical Gardens.  Sorry if that gets old for everyone else, but for me it's fun to see how the kids are growing.  
So this is last week.
Can that kid get any cuter?  He's pretty photogenic.  Lucky!

Shannon and her little ray of sunshine came down to visit for the week.  The first two days were simply gorgeous; warm and sunny.  We took the little ones to the beach and the park.

Kenna has been planning a tea party for ages - so with the addition of a cute little girl cousin, she felt THIS was the WEEK to have it.  And so we did.  And everyone had a lovely time.  We made fruit salad.  Everyone helped a little, but Kenna very patiently and determinedly kept on chopping up tiny pieces of fruit - she had a vision!  And they had tiny sandwiches that were made using a bottled water cap as the cutter for the bread, cheese, and turkey.

Time to start!


The mastermind behind the whole operation...

Tasty sandwiches and carrot sticks!

Almost gone!

We had fun watching them!


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