

May is always a full and fun month.  A quick rundown is in order.

Kenna finished golf season and boy was it a good one.  Her head coach is retiring and we are all hoping the JV coach gets the head coaching gig.  This is a great group and Kenna loves it. 

Faith had her last day of school!  We are going to miss her teachers, Miss Annie and Ms. Makayla.

It's crazy to me that they used to be known as "the little girls" but with two of them teenagers, I've had to train myself not to call them that.

Especially when one of them is taller than me!

Josh and I went to a work thing in Klamath Falls, spent the night, and in the morning drove home through some snow!

Faith enjoyed an acid/alkaline experiment using cabbage juice as our PH tracker.

Natalie finished track and field and she had such a good season.  Her javelin PR improved by a lot and she cleared 5'6" on the pole vault.  She's hard to get photos of because I have to stand so far away from where she competes, but it was fun to go to the track and support her.

It was also the end of seminary.  That was quite a year for me.  I loved it and it taxed and exhausted me.  So many good memories.  So sad that those kids are all graduated and moving on to bigger and better.


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