"Mahwagge is what brings us togedduh, today"

 We have been so excited for the wedding of Brynne and Zahid.  Finally the great day arrived! 

We had the ceremony and reception at a beautiful new venue owned by some friends.  We didn't have to do too much decorating:  centerpieces and some flowers on the arch!  So grateful for Hannah and Devon who really spearheaded the arch!

It was so fun to have Hannah and Keaton home and enjoy more of my kids together.  Also Cecillia was there!

These two girls were utterly in love with Brynne's dress.

My beautiful girls

She looks stunning!

Friendships that have lasted for years...

I thought the ceremony was so beautiful and sweet.

The mariachi band was so talented. 

we got a great group photo

departure time...off to Honduras for an epic honeymoon!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Hannah and Keaton's flight was delayed by 24 hours.
I don't think Faith minded a bit.  She was thrilled to get some extra time with her big sis!

I'm grateful for friends who sent me their candid photos as well - those are some of my favorites actually!

and we have to thank these girls who SAVED MY LIFE when the tacos didn't come packed at planned and needed to be completely rearranged for serving.  They worked so hard!

more people who love on my kids...


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