Do Good, Feel Good

 Last year I felt like my kids needed to do something a little bit uncomfortable for them. I called around various organizations looking for volunteer opportunities that would let children come and there was only one place - the JoCo Food Bank. So we started volunteering every Thursday. 

Now this has been hard for my kids. We are only there two hours a week but it’s full of heavy lifting and sometimes stinky bad food that we sort through.  They haven’t always been the most cheerful workers but they’ve definitely been consistent. Personally, I have enjoyed it and the workers that we interact with are so nice and welcoming. 

We just celebrated eight months of volunteering and because we are going to be in and out of town a lot this fall and the older girls need to do school in the mornings, today felt a little bit like good bye. 

The sweet employees gave the kids a generous thank you basket that was so kind and so thoughtful. 

I tell you, volunteering there has been such a good learning experience. I have learned from their examples how they always have made us feel welcome, vital, and appreciated.  It is such a positive environment and it has been a pleasure to volunteer there. 

Also, in GP September is traditionally when we do our annual food bank drive. They appreciate donations so if you feel so inclined, I encourage you to make a donation to your local food bank this month!!


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