Taking on a new year

 So let's give a family update to start off 2021.

Joshua:  Josh is Bishop.  Josh is working hard all the time.  Josh is waiting sort of impatiently for his new game table to come (the ultimate nerd purchase) and I think he checks for updates daily.  This year he started guitar lessons with a friend.  I think it brings him a lot of joy to have something that's just for HIM in his life.

Kelly:  I am on day 35+ of a Duolingo streak and have buckled down on my spanish language learning.  I hired an online tutor from Nicaragua.  Sometimes we have internet issues but she's nice and it's good practice for me to communicate with someone who can't understand me if I lapse into English so there's no temptation to be lazy.  I do utilize google translate but I'm working on not.  I also have my first piano students this year and it's been fun.

Hannah:  and family.... they are doing well.  Expecting baby #2 later this summer and have a job and things are going well.  Hannah graduated in December and Keaton is slated for graduation this coming December.  So life is good for them.  We hope to see a lot of them this year.

Brynne:  she'll be getting back from her mission in 6 weeks.  She is working hard to stay focused and strong for the final push.  We've been talking about her plans for spring semester and it's fun to know she'll be around for a bit before she starts school.  

Logan:  this guy works 20 hours a week and has a couple classes.  He's anxiously waiting for track season - fingers crossed that it happens.  We'll be starting on mission paperwork very soon.  Can't believe that in 6 months he'll be pretty close to heading out.  That is crazy!  He's in his priest quorum presidency and gets to hang out with Josh at Young Mens.

Kenna: moved up to class two in Young Women and is no longer in the presidency.  She is busy with school including an online class, violin, two weekly service projects, and is just having a blast helping me refresh their bedroom.

Natalie: can you believe she'll be twelve soon?  She started Young Women this year and is serving as the second counselor in her class presidency.  She's rocking her piano lessons (says her teacher - mom) and is an avid reader.  Don't get between this girl and her book!

Faith: is now old enough for activity days and she is so excited.  She's getting to be a good reader and she is really quick at math.  It's a tough thing to be the youngest and we are working on growing up a little bit and being a little more self-reliant.  She's rising to the challenge.  

I am so excited for the coming year.  We have some fun things planned, but mostly I see some big family events coming up and I am looking forward to all of those experiences.  One missionary homecoming, another departure, high school graduation, a new grandchild.  It's going to be great.  


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