
Blogger drives me crazy by putting things out of the order I select them. grrrrr

We have had a lovely month. 

Kenna turned 13. We had a small party with a handful of friends. 

We mailed Brynne’s Christmas packages. 

We made a million loaves of pumpkin bread and went out to meet neighbors we haven’t spoke to before. It was so fun. 
We took pumpkin bread or peppermint popcorn to ward friends. 

I made things for Primary and the girls helped me hit up all our families with Primary kids. 

We served a family who’s father had surgery for a brain tumor - so childcare, meals, and arranging more of that from others since I’m the ministering sister. 

We sent Brynne more presents because the first two boxes didn’t show up. The mission home brought them on Christmas Eve. Hallelujah. 

Josh went to Idaho to marry his cousin. 
Wait - to perform the marriage of his cousin.   😂. We got to watch online. 

The Sants came for Christmas and we have been soaking up baby deliciousness all week and loving it! 

Hot sauce from friends was quite popular. 

Shooting with the Chambers

Can’t get enough. 

The birthday group. 

Obvs.  Too cute not to share. 

Keaton, Kenna, and Hannah learned to play “Far Away”, a family favorite Christmas song by The National Parks. They played and we all sang on our video call with Brynne. Which, by the way, was lovely. 


She holds pencils really well for an 11month old, we found out. 

They share a room now and decided to put their beds together. 

These three were the main decorators this year!

Missionary phone call

Faith met Santa, beautifully played by a friend of ours. He was the immediate expert on all things Christmas and she apparently had a lot of questions for him. Ever since then it’s been, “Santa said....” when there’s any question about Rudolph or the North Pole or present delivery. 

I’m so glad my girl has such good friends here. 



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