Moseying through November

Today on my walk I listened to Jody Moore's "Brave New Mom" podcast and she said something really stunning.  She said, "you are the mom your children were meant to have.  You are one of their trials."
Which sounds somewhat horrible but at the same time so, so reassuring.  Right?  So maybe your kids will need therapy (maybe you need therapy from your childhood experiences) but Heavenly Father must have thought it would all work out.  It's something to mull over a little bit more, but I had to share that while it was fresh in my brain.

Find this podcast episode here:

In other news, we have a birthday coming up in our family.  Faith has been counting down the days to her birthday since...well, probably since her last birthday.  But definitely she has been getting antsy since about August.  Which is a long time to wait.  And with that much lead-in time I'm wondering how I'm going to make it the birthday of her dreams!!  Just a little over a week until the big day!

Our friends asked us to watch their three kids while they went to a conference for a few days.  Their kids are easy and friends with my kids so we were happy to.  The girls made mini gingerbread houses today with a fun cookie cutter kit that Josh found at Albertson's last night.  The houses are about 1.5 inches square and so darling.  We've let them have a little bit of a party - sleeping in the living room and binge-watching "When Calls the Heart" on Netflix.  Really a great way to kick off the holiday season!

Oregon has not gotten any rain yet this November.  I know we need it, but I am drinking up the sunshine as long as I can.  Crisp, cold mornings and pleasant afternoons are perfect!


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