6 kids, plus 1

July has been a tad bit crazy.  But oh-so-fun.

First, I never introduced you all to Jaime from Spain.  He left yesterday.  He was awesome.  I don't know if we just got lucky or what, but his personality fit our family's personality so well.  With Jaime we had lots of teasing, lots of card games, and lots of rounds of golf.  It was pretty fun.  We will miss that kid.  Some of my favorite memories of him:  when I was dropping him off for a camping trip that he wasn't sure he wanted to go on I said, "well, at least it's a beautiful river to look at" and he looked at me with this incredulous face and said, "I'm fifteen!  I don't care how pretty a river is!"

Or the time I found out he wasn't buckled up and slammed my brakes so I could scold him (we were just pulling into our neighborhood).  Couldn't have made a better object lesson if I had tried.  He flew into the seat in front of him and his face squished up hard against the headrest and then sort of slid down, cartoon-style.  All I had to say was, "and that's why we buckle up."

Or how every time I would ask him how something was he would say, "it's all right" just because he knew it kind of drove me crazy.  yep.  We had a fun time with Señor Jaime.

But really what you all probably want to hear about is our trip to the Redwoods...

No?  Not that?  Well then maybe our trip to the beach...

we built a sandcastle.

Oh, and Keaton proposed to Hannah.

I guess she said yes.

They are two cute lovebirds.  

And he found a gorgeous ring...

Honestly I had a hard time wrapping my brain around this at first.  my BABY is not old enough to get married and I am definitely not old enough to become the mother of the bride.  

But once I accepted the facts....
...and got to know Keaton
And saw how happy they are together...
...and remembered that if they get married he gets to pay her expenses,

I realized this might be a really good deal for me.

All joking aside, we are very happy for Hannah and Keaton.  It's pretty cute and fun to have Keaton here and get to know him.  He's a great guy.

Now to plan a wedding....

keep your April open - that's our tentative month right now.


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