Ed Week post 2

Since I've been lazing around a little more than usual trying to recuperate from my cold, I've taken a little more time to go over my notes from Education Week last summer.  I thought I'd post a little more of my favorite stuff.


Kevin Hinckley had a class on Forgiveness.

Reasons or signs I may not have forgiven:
  1.  I may not be done grieving - rushing or ignoring creates physical ailments
  2. I still have bad days - emotional triggers cause NORMAL FEELINGS  Trauma changes us permanently and IT’S OK.
  3. I keep repeating my grief story - burns into you, forms you identity.  All the emotions and physical feelings come back.
        Peace is not the absence of conflict; real peace can exist in the midst of conflict.  Peace                         is often the acceptance of conflict.

    1 Nephi 1:1  - Nephi starts off by telling us that his is a gratitude story.   Can’t pretend the bad stuff never happened, but….  I went through some really hard times, Nevertheless…

    Gratitude goes to every cell in your body.  You are more healed.  Impacts all your body systems.

  1.   I’m waiting for ________ to do/say/change ________.
this gives power to the events and people that affect us.

  1.     I will have to accept being changed.  I will never be the same person.  Accept that mortality changes us.


I also went to all the classes by - oh shoot - his last name is Taeger but I didn't get the first name written down.  Anyway, one of his sessions was on marriage.  A few highlights:

people are appalled when their spouse criticizes.  Marriage doesn’t bring you into confrontation with your spouse so much as confront YOU with yourself.

When we get angry at another person’s mistakes we are saying “I would never make that mistake”.


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