One week in January

Natalie and Kenna both received top and bottom palate expanders, and Kenna also got four braces put on front.   This week we go in to see if they need more expanding on top, or what the next step is.

Logan started wrestling.  He's been teaching Natalie as he goes.  He loves it. 
 Comes home from practice a happy, worn out boy.

Co-op started back up after Christmas break and a snow day.  Faith enjoys getting ready to go with me.  I teach the first hour.  She packs her own lunch and eats it as soon as I start teaching (about 10:30 a.m.)  Which is fabulous because after I teach I take myself out to lunch and she is content with a smoothie.  Best Thursday tradition ever.

have you ever seen anything cuter?

Kenna took a sewing class with three of her friends.  
She gave away everything she made at the class,
 but then came home and promptly began sewing again.  
This is her first creation - pockets for one of her play skirts.  

Logan was invited to a birthday party where they raced goldfish.  Live goldfish.  It seemed sort of cruel to the fish.  But I guess these fish are raised for food and don't live long anyway.

Went exploring to Pacifica Garden and enjoyed the ice.

The pond was frozen solid.  Josh was finally able to find a rock big enough to make a dent and go through the thick ice - it was a rock about the size of a loaf of bread.

Otherwise the kids just broke the ice along the edge and enjoyed that.  We made them be ultra careful - no falling into freezing cold ponds allowed!

We had a service day and got to play with twins!

After less than two weeks of practice, the first wrestling meet occurred.

Logan was pleased that he won both of his matches.

See that outstretched arm in the photo below?  Apparently that is the hold you are going for.
See the guy with the rolled up towel?  His job is to time each 90 second period.  When it's over he gets to whack the ref with the towel.  I totally want that job. 

I learned a lot I about wrestling just by watching.  And squeezed Faith so hard every time Logan wrestled that she would start to cry.  I tried to encourage her to not stand between my legs but she insisted and I couldn't help the excitement!

This girl started Sunbeams.   She has two of the best grandma teachers in the world and she loves it.

We had a science day and for once all the experiments worked like they were supposed to.

I love when Brynne comes home.  She stands on the stairs and tells me funny stories from her day.

It's hard to see here, but she got a haircut -including bangs.  

Faith kept telling me she wrote me a letter (as I kept telling her to stay off the computer).  I found out later she did indeed write me a "letter".  I found an open document on my computer entitled "Letter" that was filled with - of all crazy things - letters.   I'm not sure how she did that.

this is her trying to convince me, cutely, that she should use the computer.

Sometimes I have a weird family.  But only sometimes.

Last night Brynne taught our Gospel Study.  It was cool.  I love having big kids who love the Gospel.


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