BYU Education Week

Education Week is something I've been hoping to attend for y.e.a.r.s.  Just could never get away.  So this year Josh kindly suggested I go and I hurriedly took him up on that offer before the calendar got too full.  I think it was a real sacrifice for him when it came right down to it - more than he anticipated, because the kids had a busy week and it's difficult enough for the two of us to manage sometimes.  He experienced single-parenthood and has even more respect for working single parents.

But me?  I had a delightful week.  It was exhausting on every level but wonderful at the same time.  I spent two nights on the way down at Jenny's house and got to experience my first taste of Arizona.  It was surprisingly humid.  Not surprisingly, very warm.  Full of orange trees and stucco buildings.

Then I few to Provo.  I had the entire Sabbath to myself once I got there, so I hiked all the way from my hotel to the Temple and then made it to church in our old building near Wymount.  I went to a young married ward and it was full of really, really young people.  Like, five babies and their incredibly young looking parents.  I've never felt older than I did that day.

Monday I was also on my own, but I had classes to attend and I was pretty busy with that.  Monday evening Ju arrived with her friends/family that she brought and the real fun began.  The next four days were a whirlwind of racing to classes, spending too much time and money in my happy place - a.k.a the BYU Store -  and having a blast being with Julia!  Can't wait to do it again.

I've been carefully transcribing my notes into Evernote.  I learned a lot and I'm trying to remember some of it.

I thought I'd share a few quotes and thoughts that stood out to me the most from that week.  And that will probably be difficult since there was a LOT of great thoughts that were shared.  Each color is from a different class.  { Edited  - I only am sharing from MONDAY.  Monday??!!!  I haven't even started working on the rest of the week!}

Connie Sokol: Instead of feeling envious of another’s gifts, think, “how is her gift blessing me?”  our paths are different.  we can rejoice and know we will be blessed by their gifts. 

Lani Hilton: Magical Nine Minutes - the power of moments and transitions
-3 minutes when they wake up
-3 minutes when they come home
-3 minutes before bed

Use those three minutes to create joy and express love to our family members.

Testifying - we need to create and look for opportunities.  It doesn’t have to be a sit down, formal testimony.  Even a simple statement of belief will suffice when a true principle is taught, such as “I have experienced that in my own life and know it’s true”.   or “I believe that is true”.

Do kids need advice?  Admonishing?  No.  They need my testimony more.

Sally Olsen: Practical Ways to teach the Gospel:
Family MTC
-15 minutes Journal
-15 minutes Scripture Study
-15 minutes “Class time” child picks favorite article from the Friend to teach the rest of the family
-15 min family devotional watching church videos

Also to be included: personal interviews with each child.  Family history work
We can improve our Sabbath worship.  The world has their attention for the rest of the week.  We should be taking advantage of the time we have together on Sundays to spend teaching the Gospel.  Start small with a Power Hour (as demonstrated above) and gradually fill more time.

David Marsh:  
As you read the scriptures:
  1.  What do I learn about Jesus and the Atonement?
  2. How do the verses help me understand why I need a Savior?
  3. Are there words or phrases that symbolize something about Jesus Christ and His Atonement?
  4. How did Jesus behave in different situations and with different people?
  5. How can I change my life to become more like Jesus Christ?

All things bear record of Christ.

Laura Catharine Smith:
“We never finish the mourning process"

Even in our worst moments the Lord provides blessings of peace & strength

Joseph of Egypt
39:2  The Lord is with him and prospers him.  vs 3. Others see that all along he has not been forgotten.

When life takes an unexpected turn we risk feeling fear.  No matter the fears, allow your faith to overcome.
Joseph pays the consequences of another person’s agency, but the Lord was with him still.
** keep a tender mercy journal....The Lord is often there when we don’t realize and the journal will help us to find that.

Most of Joseph’s life is pretty awful - but the result of his suffering is that a nation is saved and a family is reunited and strengthened.

How we weather the storms of life better:
  1.  Gratitude daily
  2. recognize the will of the Lord
  3. recognize the Lord’s hand in our life
2 Nephi 3 - Remember who you are. Our relationship with our Savior gives us Power from the Lord to fight these battles.


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