May Days

I was so scared the May was going to be super-crazy.  And it was crazy, but we actually had a few nights at home as a family and that is a rare and special treat these days.

Every organization under the sun seems to want to do an event or two in May.  Luckily they all have to book the cafeteria room at school so they aren't usually on the same night.  

Faith loves to take selfies.  She loves our devices and if she can get her hands on them she changes settings, takes pictures, and does whatever she can do before she's caught.  She requested that we take the picture below.  Can't say no to a hug from such a sweet girl!

We sent out Hannah's graduation announcements.  I ordered some official ones from school and then when they came decided that I didn't have enough, so I did these below.

May started with the Jazz Festival fundraiser that was a pretty fun event.  We also went to Brynne's orchestra concert.  And took the whole family to the Disney-themed Cabaret night that the choirs put on.  Very fun.  The little girls loved it.  It was nice to take them with us somewhere finally!  I felt like I didn't put them to bed all month because Josh and I were always going somewhere.

Track Banquet

Our front port is looking spiffy now!  We got the furniture for FREE from friends and I replaced the cushions.  So fun to have a place to sit outside (and how we've missed summer evenings the past ten years.  Loving it)

We took a homeschool field trip to the airport.  Medford Airport has an oval office - did you know that?  The manager of the airport apparently had an empty room that was oval shaped and so he had it decorated like the actual presidential office.  
On our field trip we learned about where the luggage goes, watched a plan take off, and got to go inside an out of service airplane that they rent out for meetings and stuff.

Brynne got her permit.  Exciting!

This is a neighbor's yard.  Faith sits here for five seconds every single time we take a walk.  I think she thinks it's there just for her.

My hard working girl.  Pizza anyone?

Faith loves to ride in front of my shopping cart and help me put items in the bags.  Hey guys - we love that yogurt brand, ZOI, by the way.

And she frequently tries to go to school - she often has her snack, jacket, and backpack on 
(and jammies - she's not dressing up) before the kids leave with Josh.  And then cries when she doesn't get to go!

Hannah turned 18.  Her birthday celebration was simple.  Josh and I decided to load her up with books to start her personal library.  I think she liked that.  I can't believe I have a growed-up kid now. That is a weird feeling because I still feel like a young mom in many respects.  I remember when I turned 18 and, no offense to my mom, but she didn't really seem THAT young.  At least not as young as I feel.  I mean, I'm still trying to figure so much stuff out!

In May we had Heather's kids for a weekend.  Josh and I realized that we had TEN kids that weekend!!  So now I know what that could be like.  We hot-tubbed, play-ground climbed, parade-watched, played games, and ate yummy food.  I hope they had a good time like we did.

Hannah had this crazy bridge project for physics.  She spent two weeks building this thing out of toothpicks and Elmer's glue.  I thought it was beautiful.  She didn't want me to take a picture with her in it (on her way to seminary) so pretend you can't see her.  ;-)

Family night at the putting range

This is how Faith golfs.  Put the ball really close to the hole.  
If you miss, put the ball back where you started.

First grade joys - losing that first tooth.


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