And, Scene!

It's a wrap.  We are pretty much officially moved in.  I haven't hung the pictures on the walls yet.  Sort of waiting until Christmas is over -rather than decorate for two weeks and then re-decorate for a month, and then put it all back.  Anyway.  We are in.  Our garage is organized-ish.  I know where some of our stuff is.  And life is going to start going like it should (hopefully - fingers crossed - knock on wood).  I'm so ready to be done with transition phase.
We had our first Sunday in what is now our old ward.  Ha ha.  We will go to a different ward next week when the official boundary change takes place.  How's that for confusing??!

It's time to get into homeschooling.  I just did something I haven't done in the last 12 years of my homeschooling career.  I bought a ton of curriculum.  I'm just sort of not excited to do middle school and yet I don't want to send Logan to school and he doesn't really want to go (yet).  Next year is an option.  We'll see.  I looked into a local private school but between the enormous costs involved and the constant fundraising obligation (which I hate doing) I just didn't want to do it.  So I've been researching in between packing boxes for the last two months.    I finally narrowed my options down and went over them with Josh to finalize things.  I'm going with some standards that I've done in the past and loved, and added a few new things to try based on Logan's interests and learning style.

Today in Sunday School our teacher closed with a really cool quote from Elder McConkie that I wanted to share.

“Any word which cannot be spoken in the name of Christ should be left unsaid, 
any deed that cannot properly bear our Lord’s name should be left undone.”
(McConkie, DNTC, 3:38.)

Kenna was reading a story about the Plan of Happiness to me tonight and I was pondering the idea of our pre-mortal life and thinking about how these kids that come to our families are people.  They were probably my really good friends in the pre-mortal life and now we are grouped together as an eternal family.  How cool is that!  And yet I thought, do I always treat my kids like I treat my really good friends, with the same care, consideration, and kindness that I would show my best bud?  It reminded me of an interview on the Mormon Conversations podcast with Sister Julie Beck where she said when she was raising her three children she knew that she wanted to raise children who would turn into people that she wanted to hang out with - and so her parenting was geared towards making them pleasant, compassionate, educated, interesting people.  I liked that thought - raise your children to be your best friends (because they probably already are your best friends - you just don't remember!!).


  1. I like that thought. I love that James is my little buddy right now, and I'm looking forward to more in-depth conversations with him as he gets older.

  2. I love those thoughts. I think I want to figure out how to print them (copy and paste?) and keep them w other extra good thoughts.

  3. Except I'm pretty sure you were too busy hanging out with ME in the premortal life.


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