
I just realized I haven't updated the blog about Francisco.

So just a few things.

1.  his nickname is Javi (hah-vee) so you'll see me type that since it's faster and what's in my head.

2.  things are good.  He's in counseling for some past experiences and behavior.  Just started.  Seems to be going well so far.  We called LDS family services for a referral.  That's why the trips to Santa Rosa.  Not really fun but we felt it necessary.

3.  Relationships are sorting out.  Kids are fighting and playing as they should.  Rules are being discussed, mostly followed, and school is happening.  We are navigating the juvenile justice system for the first (and I hope last) time.

4.  Yes we want to keep him with us for the foreseeable future.  We will need to hope and pray that his mom thinks that is a good idea.

There isn't really much to say other than that we love having him in our family.  Seven kids now, is how we look at it.  Pretty nuts.


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