Logan at his choir concert |
Last night we went to Willits for a stake "Great to be Eight" fireside. The youth had a 2015 theme kick-off fireside at the same time, so it ended up being a family affair for us. Kenna was SO. EXCITED for this event. She's been counting down the days ever since she heard about it. And I have to say, our stake primary presidency did a stellar job. I think it lived up to all her expectations!

I've been having to work hard to find time to drive around with Hannah because she is so stinking busy. She's really improved a lot in the past month. She drove us to Willits a couple weeks ago, which was definitely nerve-wracking for me - especially on the way home. The Willits grade (going up and down the mountain between Willits and Ukiah) is constantly under construction, but right now on that winding mountainside there are cement barriers on both sides of the lane so you have to be super on the ball as a new driver. It was a knuckle-clencher for me because I kept thinking, "if she screws up here we're dead". Positive thoughts, right? She did FABULOUSLY. She was in the center of her lane the entire time - even though those annoying rumble strips were under our tires the whole way. This whole driving thing has been one giant exercise in self-control and patience for me. Seriously. It's way harder for me than anyone else.

We finally bought child-locks for our cupboards. I still haven't figured out a way to lock up the toilet paper, and there is a daily issue of either Faith taking the roll and running out the door with it, or Natalie not being able to reach the toilet paper on her own because it's on the counter. I've tried just keeping the doors shut since Faith can't open them, but they never
stay shut. :-) Ahhh, the joys of a toddler in the house.
The "princess in black" |
Playing over Christmas break |
Is anyone else in the family having a hard time sleeping? I have so much stuff running through my head. I spend half the night either having imaginary conversations with people or I'm going over logistics and plans in my head for various things going on. Josh and I have spent the past month pondering making a serious commitment to another family/child in our ward. No details yet, but it's kind of a big thing and it keeps me up at night. It may or may not happen - we don't know yet.
hot tub with cousins Ashley and Shayanne |
Cousin Sam |
My YW president is moving next month. I'm really curious to see what changes happen. I've been counselor to three YW presidents now - not sure if I hope to stay or not.
He still snuggles with me! |
Eating adventures...so messy! |
After a luxurious Christmas break, we are back to school in full force this month. This month we are studying "The Ugly Duckling" for our fairytale, Astronomy in science, in Ancient History we'll be talking about Ancient Rome, and in American History we get to discuss George Washington and the Revolutionary War. Pretty fun stuff. The girls have been working on their Headsprout reading program - I started Natalie and she is loving it. Computer based learning is something she really loves.
whale watching |
at the playground with Dad |
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