Answers to Prayer

This is really short but I wanted to share this...

I know that several people, myself included, have had "yes" answers from Heavenly Father about something that then didn't happen.  It's a puzzle and definitely can be a test of faith.

So I've been catching up on my Ensign reading and the June 2014 Ensign had an article from Elder Richard G. Scott that is a reprint of a 1989 Conference talk wherein he addresses this very subject and he says:

When He answers yes, it is to give us confidence.
When He answers no, it is to prevent error.
When He withholds an answer, it is to have us grow through faith in Him, obedience to His commandments, and a willingness to act on truth.

I just thought the idea "to give us confidence" was kind of game-changing for me.  So often I think a yes answer means THIS IS GOING TO HAPPEN so proceed with your plans.  When really it might not mean this is going to happen - it might just mean it's okay to proceed.    Interesting thought.


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