Short and Silly

Wearing a new dress with lots of sparkly sequins Kenna tells me excitedly: "I feel like I'm Sharpay because she dresses SO pretty and she wears clothes just like this!"


Driving down the road the other day I passed someone with a burn pile cooking away.  Kenna had lots of questions about why there was a fire by the side of the road.  After explaining carefully that it was useful for when you had a lot of yard waste, she sat quietly thinking for a minute.  Then she piped up and said, "well, what I would recommend is they should use their big garbage can and first put the big pieces in and stack them so that they have room for the little pieces".

Is that what you recommend?


We had a great week in Oregon.  Loved the weather.  Especially loved seeing people I love.  Faith did awesome on the road.  She slept when I needed her to sleep and the only crying spell was the final 15 minutes into Grants Pass on the first day.  Otherwise, she was a total trooper.  I think waiting until she was four months old and able to go longer between meals helped a lot.

We had a simple Easter celebration since we are still in recovery mode from our trip.  I made ham, roasted potatoes (sweet and regular), green salad, rolls, and the strawberry jello/pretzel salad for dessert.  We had the four missionaries join us since for some reason their dinner calendar has been light this month.   Kenna and Natalie hunted easter eggs in the back yard (hidden by Logan and Brynne), and their group easter basket was pretty simple, but I love that the kids didn't care.  They seemed excited by it anyway!  Just a couple little wrapped things for each child (even Hannah!) and a handful of treats.

We also got new chicks on Saturday!  We got three layers (hopefully no rooster there) and two bantam hens.  Bantams are miniature chickens that at full-grown are half the size of a regular chicken. They are SO cute.  I've been wanting bantys for awhile.


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