Catching up

So What's NEW?


In baby news, I'm pumping again.

Long story short - after 3 months of every. single. feeding. being a pain in the patootie, I decided to pump and at least create some emotional distance between me and Faith's feedings.  Then Josh could take a turn, too.  BEST decision I've ever made.  For whatever reason, Faith takes a bottle so much easier.  I think it's 2 reasons, if I had to hazard a guess.  First, I think she gets irritated that my milk takes 30-60 seconds to let-down.  Second, even after three months my fast let-down is still a little much for her so she gets annoyed with the extra air bubbles and such.  And then there was the reflux.  And the dairy intolerance.  All these things combined to make feedings hard.  They involved me dancing around the house all exposed to the world, as I tried to get her to latch on.  I could never tell if she was hungry, had a bubble, or was full because her response was basically the same to all three.  I felt uncomfortable taking her places because if she got hungry it was going to be impossible to feed her.  So we've basically stayed home for the past three months except for short, quick outings in between feedings.  At Church I lock myself in the Family History library so she can scream to her heart's content, and I can dance as much as necessary, before she settles down to eat.  It's worked out so far, but it's not ideal.

We're only on day two of pumping, but so far it's going really well for both of us.  Faith was a little puzzled yesterday and seemed kind of annoyed, but she still drank from the bottle.  Today she's doing better with it.  I'm still nursing at night, which has never had issues with fussiness.

Kenna and Natalie had free reign over the camera - here are some of their offerings:

Playing Nat's new game.

Booger-free!  What a relief!

Scary face!


  1. Yay for you!!! Freedom + happy fat bottle drinking baby = happiness :)


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