Choosing her name

We had no name chosen before going to the hospital.  We did have several revolving short lists.

When the kids came to visit we decided to have them weigh in and help us choose the perfect name for our newest family member.  I think Josh, Hannah, and Brynne were the most decided about what names they liked best, with Faith being the one that they all had in common.  Logan gave it a thumbs up (that was about the extent of his contribution - ha, ha).  Choosing a middle name for Faith was harder because it is such a solid sounding name that doesn't really flow into anything else.

In August when we were in Utah, our friends helped us make lists of potential names.  Aspen was on those lists and was one that we instantly liked, but we didn't think we wanted it for a first name.  We have a tendency to shorten names/create nicknames...and Aspen leads to a doozy.  So we had ruled it out as a name option, but still really liked it.  When Josh suggested using it as Faith's middle name, everyone thought it worked better than our other options.

Really, I had less to do with naming Faith than with naming any of our other kids.  I never could settle on something in my head that sounded perfect, so it made sense to make it a family affair.  It took me awhile to get used to her name.  I think I called her "the baby" for a couple days.  ;-)  But now she is Faith to all of us.  I have always liked the name Faith and it was one of my frontrunners for a middle name on every list I made, so I am pleased that she will have a name that I love.  I hope she loves it when she gets older.  All of our kids have at least one name chosen for very specific reasons - either the meaning or as an honor name.  I love the virtue faith, and hope it bodes well for the future of our little bundle of joy.  Not to mention, in some ways bringing this little one into our family was an act of faith - at least for me.


  1. I can totally see a resemblance to Natalie in this picture. What a cutie!

  2. I totally think she looks like Natalie too! Congrats, we are so excited to meet baby Faith, although she may not be a baby anymore when we finally do meet her!

  3. I thought the same thing as the two above - my first thought seeing her photo was how much she looks like Natalie. I love the story behind her name, too! What a sweet baby girl!


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