Moving on with Life

It has been SUCH a long week.  I'm so glad that it's over.

In general I'm feeling much better.  I usually feel fantastic in the mornings and then sort of peter out in the afternoons, but my nausea is so much less and I'm grateful for that.  I'm technically just past my three month mark, too, so I'm 1/3 of the way through!

Natalie prays for me on a daily basis that "mommy can get better".  I'm hoping soon those prayers will be answered and we can do our regular fun activities on a more regular basis.  Here is a lovely picture she drew.  

Many of you heard the story of Hannah's high school dance/dress.  This is the finished creation.  All I basically did was modify a shirt to make a jacket thing, and fix some hems and stitching in the dress.  If I'd had time, and access to a real fabric store, I could have made actual sleeves.  Anyway, she looked lovely and very grown-up and had a great time.

If you can see these, you don't need glasses.  ;-)  Click and they'll be big enough to read.  This is just a funny example of the quotes that Brynne has plastered to her bedroom door.  She adds new ones every now and then, so it makes for some fun reading.

"Saturday is a special day...."  I thought some photos of a regular Saturday morning at our house might be fun.  Brynne was in charge of cleaning the fridge.  She does a really good, thorough job of it, and it is SO nice to have a clean (fresh-smelling) fridge right now.

Hannah got her room clean and then did her other chores.  She is pretty much only around on weekends to work, so I try to keep her busy.  ;-)

My dinner is ready, or I would post more.  Josh has been our cook today (Happy Mother's Day to me!) and I don't want to miss his yummy food!


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