Happy Birthday, Loganator!

 So this is a day in the life of Kenna and Natalie (above).  They are into "doing hair" these days.

Our chickens have grown quite a bit in the past few weeks.  They spend every day outside and love it.

Today is Logan's 10th Birthday!  Wow!    It's just crazy how fast time flies.  For his birthday celebration, Josh is taking off work early and taking Logan to a movie, and then we'll have gifts and dessert later tonight.

Here are some fun Logan facts:

He's super strong!  He's one of the strongest kids his age in every competition.  The only time he gets beat is running - can't quite compete with the longer legs of a good friend of his.  He can do hundreds of jumping jacks without stopping, over perfect 70 pushups in a row, and puts up a good fight when he arm wrestles Josh.  All this solid muscle has made it extremely difficult for him to learn to swim (he has almost 0 fat, it seems like), but he's been working hard and propelling himself through the water, since he can't float, and it's paying off.

He loves to draw!  This is a new development over the past few months.  He sketches all sorts of things in his special notebook.

He loves comics - both the superhero kind and the funny pages.

He loves all things lego, star wars, sports, etc. 

Logan is excited to try out the charter school next year.

Since Logan got glasses he's been super good at taking care of them and not losing them (knock on wood).

Logan is a favorite among the younger kids he knows - especially in Primary.  He is super thoughtful and likes to set up chairs for his primary teacher, hold doors open, and always makes sure that the littlest people he knows are taken care of.  They adore his big brother-like attention.

Logan hates all things romantic.  Offer to kiss him and he may not speak to you for awhile.  Say that he wants to kiss someone and you'll find your arm bruised up.  I don't recommend it.


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