Nap time?

It has been one of the CRAZIEST weeks of my life. 

Between Mom's surgery and all that has gone on with that,

a beastly sinus cold that kept me in bed for four days,

topped off with finding out about the surprise package the stork is bringing us in 8 months....

Well, let's just say that it's been a physical and emotional whirlwind of a week.

I have survived it purely because of the tender, loving care of my amazing husband and my awesome daughter Brynne.  Breakfast has been cooked, kitchen cleaned, children dressed, animals fed, schoolwork done.  With Hannah at school all day, the bulk of the daily work has fallen to Brynne, who has risen to the challenge without complaint.  LOVE that GIRL!  Logan has been the main entertainer for the little girls while Brynne does her schoolwork.  He has led them in art projects (and they've actually done a fair job of cleaning up after themselves), chores, and playtime.  Everyone has been so amazing.  It's hard to feel as though you are helpless in bed, but nice to know that your family is there for you.

I'm eagerly anticipating news of TWO new nephews that should be born within the next few days - one from each side of our family.  Exciting stuff!


  1. WHAAAAAAAAAAT? And I had to find out through a blog post!?!

  2. I was thinking the same thing as Heather and I'm not even your sister! :) I so wish I lived closer!!


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