November Photos

I just loved my Halloween Cow and couldn't resist sharing this one... A little backstory to the following photo... I read once that when you chop off the ends of green onions you can put them in a glass of water and they will grow again. I've been doing that for awhile and get double the green onion for my money, essentially. (I'm all about saving 69 cents whenever I can) Kenna decided to do it herself and then planted her onion roots in a little garden that she made herself. She was pretty proud of her little space. Natalie loves to sweep and vacuum! Faith loves to watch (and so do I). I think this was Kenna's first trip to a bookstore since her newly emerging reading skills really took off. What a difference when you can read the titles of the books! -side note: I thought the book in the photo "The Book with No Pictures" was pretty funny. Faith will wear a headband on Sunda...